Variety of Color Cloth Tape with caption Hockey Tape

Why Do Hockey Players Tape Their Sticks?

The Mystery Unveiled!

Hey there, fellow hockey parents! I have been an ice hockey parent now for over a whopping 10 years. I still can’t believe it!  It’s been a decade of cheers, spills, and unforgettable moments on the ice. But one question that had intrigued me, in the beginning, was – why do hockey players tape their sticks? You know, that thing they do with the tape around their blades and handles? Well, I have decided it’s time to unravel the mystery this common hockey ritual. Join us as we explore the reasons why hockey players tape their sticks and how it amps up their game and satisfies their nature!

Understanding the Basics of Stick Tape

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty, of the sticky! 

Confession Time: 

Oh my goodness…don’t judge….my first tape job for my 5-year-old was a hilarious tangled mess!  But hey, I learned with the help of articles, demonstrations from more experienced parents at the rink, and videos.  

Stick tape comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and types – from cloth tape to grip tape, players have their pick. And stick taping is a ritual, folks! It’s like hockey’s secret handshake, one that every player seems to know. Just ask any kid out there; they’ll proudly show you their stick-taping skills like it’s a magic trick!

Taping for the Blade:

The bottom of the stick over the part or all of the blade.  Cloth tape is almost always used on the blade.  The tape’s gripping properties play a vital role in securing a solid connection between the blade and the puck, minimizing the chances of losing possession during intense plays. The strategic and art form taping of the bottom of the hockey stick blade remains an integral aspect of an ice hockey player’s toolkit, providing them with the essential edge needed to thrive in the fast-paced and competitive world of the rink.

Taping for Grip:

The top of the stick gets taped either with cloth tape or grip tape.  Taping the top of the stick primarily allows for control of the stick.  Hockey players develop their own preference for taping the top of their sticks to establish their own unwavering grip. This deliberate act of taping ensures a secure and comfortable hold on the stick, enabling players to navigate the ice with unwavering confidence during intricate stickhandling maneuvers and sick shots.

Pink, Black, White, Navy and Red Grip Tape

Some like a knob a the top near the top hand, and some don’t like any tap near the bottom hand. Again, very individual and personal preference.   Some use grip tape which is an adhesive that sticks to itself around the stick.  These grip tapes are usually wider than typical cloth tape and come in a variety of colors.  Some even have scents!  Like this one pictured below – it smells like an orange vanilla ice creamsicle. 

Orange grip tape

Although it is essential for every player to be familiar with the basic use of cloth tape to create a grip on the stick, some opt for this traditional ice hockey ritual. 

The Why…

Protection for the Blade

If there’s one thing hockey sticks go through, it’s a beating. The blade of their sticks endure slashes, hacks, and slap and extreme temperatures, snow, and moisture. ? And back in the day, there were wooden sticks.  The wooden stick was highly susceptible to the effects of the snow and water moisture.  That’s where tape comes to the rescue!  Players began wanted to protect the wood stick with a taped bottom to protect the blade. It shields the blade of the stick from damage, prolonging the life of the stick. Genius, right?

Hockey player with a stick and puck on Ice, showing why hockey players tape their sticks

But, we have fancy expensive composite sticks now, right?  Yes, but, the historical ritual continues and there are additional reasons beyond the protection of the blade to control the puck and more. 

Enhanced Grip and Control

Here’s the secret sauce, folks! 

Taping those sticks providespersonalized comfortable grip at the top of the handle and better control. Imagine trying to stickhandle or shoot without a good grip – it’s like trying to wrangle a greased pig! Taping adds some magic friction, giving players the confidence to display that fancy stick handling. 

The textured surface of the tape creates formidable friction, bestowing players with a strong sense of control over both their sticks and the puck, decisively influencing their overall on-ice performance….at least they think so ?

Enhanced Puck Control and Shooting

Puck Control:

Tape on an ice hockey stick plays a pivotal role in enhancing a player’s ability to control the puck with precision and finesse. The cloth tape has a unique texture that provides a grip and reliable surface for the player to establish an optimal connection with the puck during stickhandling maneuvers.  As the player navigates through tight spaces and defenders, the tape enables them to maintain delicate control, effortlessly guiding the puck in various directions.

Group of hockey sticks with black and white tape

Taping those sticks boosts grip and control like nobody’s business. Imagine trying to stickhandle or shoot without a proper grip – it’s like trying to wrangle a greased pig! Taping adds some magic friction, giving players the confidence they can feel the puck on their blade.  And this my friends, is when it gets individualized.  Each player will eventually mature and develop their own taping ritual and style for how they need to feel the puck.  Some use a single blade of tape, to players (like my son) who I think have stock in the cloth tape industry. He is an excess tape, layers of tape kind of a guy from the including the toe of the blade to the heel of the blade.  I am not sure why we still go through so many sticks with all this protection…haha.

Let’s Discuss Shooting and Passing: 

When a player receives the puck, the taped blade allows them to cradle the puck with greater ease.  Technique in the angle of the stick and the tape prevents the puck from bouncing off a stick or slipping away. The texture of the tape creates friction against the puck’s surface, allowing for better adherence and manipulation of its movement.


A taped stick (Grip) plays a vital role in shooting accuracy. As the player winds up for a shot, the player’s grip provided by the tape ensures that their hands remain steady and in control throughout the motion. This stability translates to precise shots with greater power and accuracy, making it more challenging for the goaltender to predict and stop the shot. Winning Goal!!!

Hockey Tapes showing American Flag, Camouflage, Flames

Moreover, the tape’s absorbing properties come into play during puck control. The puck’s impact on the taped blade is softened, reducing the vibrations that could otherwise hinder the player’s handling. This decreased vibration allows for a better feel and sensitivity when maneuvering the puck, granting the player enhanced awareness of the puck’s position and movement.

In essence, tape on an ice hockey stick acts as an extension of the player’s hands, granting them a better grip and the dexterity required to manipulate the puck with control. Its influence on puck handling is so significant that it has become an essential tool for players at all levels of the game, enabling them to showcase their skill, creativity, and mastery of the ice.

Absorbing Vibrations

Hockey sticks with black and white grip tape

Playing hockey means getting up close and personal with some bone-jarring slaps and hard pucks. But tape isn’t just for grip – it’s also a cushiony friend that absorbs those vibrations. It decreases tactile fatigue.  And, some kids with sensitivity may find this comforting. 

Cloth Tape on Paper Towel holder 300 × 300 px 1

The “Puck Whisperer” Chronicles: 

The Tape’s Magical TouchWe witnessed our kid having a Eureka moment on the ice after they taped their stick with extra care. Suddenly, their puck control went through the roof! It was like the tape had whispered some puck sorcery.

The Ritual and Superstitions

Hockey and superstitions go together like peanut butter and jelly.  So, tape jobs go back to the days of saving the wooden stick.  The tape job has established itself as a timeless tradition, passed down through generations within families or learned during programs like “Learn to Play” and beyond.  

The Different Approaches to Ice Hockey Tape

Young Ice Hockey players get fully immersed in the culture and all its rituals and superstitions surrounding the use of tape. They passionately debate about tape jobs, from the Mite to NHL players’ locker rooms. They constantly compare and contrast different tape techniques, trying to prove why theirs is the best and for what specific reasons.

Customization and Personalization

Now, here’s where it gets fun! Players use tape to flaunt their style and add a splash of personality to their sticks. Some go for flashy or a variety of colors, while others rock a signature pattern. It’s like an artistic canvas, expressing who they are on the ice.

Variety of colors and sizes of Howey's Hockey Cloth tape

There are so many fun ways to tape a stick!  The cute, the pretty, the fierce, and the proud!  

With different types of tape, the designs are endless, Yet, the most commonly used tape is cloth and as players mature, they tend to use either simple white or black hockey tape.  Some use just a single strip of tape, while others engulf the entire stick 

Some examples of teams will unite and wrap their sticks in honor of a cause, such as Pink for Breast Cancer Month, or another cause close to their heart.  

In the eternal battle between the crafty dangler, hoping to catch the goalie off guard, lies the age-old debate of white tape versus black tape. Will you choose white tape, enabling the stick handler to see the puck better on the stick, or black tape, covertly aiming to score the goal by blending in with the black puck? The choice is yours to make.


And there you have it, fellow hockey enthusiasts – the intriguing tale of why hockey players can’t resist the sticky charm of taping their sticks! From unleashing the magic of grip and control to flaunting their artistic flair, tape turns these sticks into players’ secret weapons on the ice. So, the next time you witness those players meticulously taping their sticks, remember, it’s not just a practicality; it’s an essential part of their hockey mojo! Embrace the tradition, have a blast on the ice, and let the tape lead you to victory! 

Game on, stick-taping parents of champions!

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