Hockey Parent Resources

Welcome to our “Hockey Parent Resources” section – a hub bursting with Hockey wisdom! Here you will find Hockey 101 Education, where the absolute building blocks and basics of Ice Hockey to a treasure trove of tips and tricks. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this is the place to brush up on your Hockey know-how. It’s like your trusty playbook for understanding the game, boosting your smarts, and being the ultimate ice hockey parent. From cracking game strategies to nailing down the rules, we’ve got your back with a toolkit that’s all about boosting your confidence and being the best supporter for your young player’s ice journey.

Face Offs

Why Do Hockey Players Get Kicked Out of Faceoffs?

Discover why do hockey players get kicked out of faceoffs! Learn about the rules, common infractions, and the strategic moves behind these moments. Perfect for hockey parents and fans looking to deepen their understanding of the game. Knowing these rules can deepen your appreciation for the game and provide talking points during those nail-biting moments.

Why Do Hockey Players Get Kicked Out of Faceoffs? Read More »

Hockey Training Program on a Shoestring Budget 1

Complete Summer and Shoestring Ice Hockey Training Program:

Over the summer, my son will focus on rehabbing his way back from some minor injury and illness to prepare for the Hockey season.  He aims to unleash his potential and take his game to new heights by utilizing the latest training programs and techniques. From explosive speed workouts to injury prevention strategies, his training routine encompasses everything needed to elevate his performance, and you can too.

Complete Summer and Shoestring Ice Hockey Training Program: Read More »

Why Do Hockey Players have Missing Teeth

Why Do Hockey Players Have Missing Teeth?

Why do hockey players have missing teeth? Awe…the teeth-chattering world of hockey and how to protect those pearly whites. We explore why our favorite players often flash smiles with gaps that would make a dentist wince. Spoiler alert: it’s not just about looking tough, though that certainly plays a part!

Why Do Hockey Players Have Missing Teeth? Read More »

Tier 3 Juniors Hockey

Is Tier 3 Junior Hockey Worth It? Weighing the Pros and Cons for Your Young Athlete

As hockey parents, we dream of our kids making it big on the ice, but when it comes to Tier 3 Junior Hockey, the decision is far from straightforward. From the potential for increased exposure to the hefty financial commitments, it’s essential to understand the full picture before diving in.

Is Tier 3 Junior Hockey Worth It? Weighing the Pros and Cons for Your Young Athlete Read More »

Junior Hockey with picture of ice hockey player. Guide for Parenst

A Parent’s Guide: How to Play Junior Hockey

Being a parent contemplating or just learning more about the Junior Hockey world is thrilling, yet daunting. This guide is here to give you everything you need. This article is all about supporting you and your child as you investigate competitive Junior Hockey. You’ll learn about the Tiers of Junior Hockey, the level of skill required, which are free or paid, and your different opinions. This knowledge will help you make smart decisions.

A Parent’s Guide: How to Play Junior Hockey Read More »

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