About us

Empowering Ice Hockey Moms across America with valuable resources, supportive connections, and the ultimate tips to champion your All-Star kids on and off the ice!

3 Ice Hockey Moms gather for coffee and laughs
Experienced Hockey Parent Tips | Authentic Camaraderie |
Tools for Success

Do you ever wonder

~What really is “Icing “and “Off-Sides”?!

~How to Handle a difficult coach, manager, cliche, or general Hockey drama?

~Best Tips for New Hockey Moms, Gear (both for kiddo and Mom and how to balance it all?

~What REALLY happens at tourneys?

~Why is everyone so nervous at tryout time?

~Are you tired of hearing the question, “Oh God, isn’t hockey really expensive?!”

My Story

Why I started this website

My Hockey Mom Story

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Two Ice Hockey Moms with arm around in a hug

I will never forget the excitement and anticipation of my first day at the Open House for our new Ice Hockey home. As the Hockey Director inquired if my son wanted to play ice hockey, I gazed down at my 6-year-old, his cheeky grin wide and eyes shining as he eagerly nodded his head. It was a truly unforgettable experience, as the organization welcomed new skaters with open arms, and the young boys and girls radiated excitement and innocence in their desire to explore a new sport. We entered what seemed to be the benign and adorable “Learn to Play Hockey” lesson program. More to come…

Receiving a practice jersey and instructions to rent ice hockey skates, my warm motherly affection for my son’s enthusiasm was momentarily replaced by a sudden chill of uncertainty. I couldn’t help but wonder, “Where do I go and what do I do?” The Director, sensing my confusion, reassured me that I simply needed to head to the back locker room, where one of the dads would be happy to assist. I was a Single Mother Hockey Mom, so enter another realm of hockey in a male-dominated Daddy sport. As we made our way there, my son skipped ahead, brimming with joy, while I followed, a mix of astonishment and curiosity, and jitters filling my thoughts.

I did not come from a hockey family, or legacy, and knew nothing about the game, the politics, the travel, or joy the lay ahead for my son and me.

Little did I know what the next 15 years would bring. Looking back, I met some of the best people and families in my life. At times, I had never felt so included, while at others, I felt like I had been thrown to the wolves and left for dead. But through it all, hockey became a journey of learning, sharing, and extending the joy of the sport to the athlete and their families.

In my experience, there is no other sport that embodies a sense of community quite like hockey. The camaraderie and support among players, parents, and coaches create an environment that fosters growth.

This website is a celebration of what I have learned, what I can share, and how I can help you during those challenging times when you want to sob for your child but hide it with a grin. But, most importantly the development of a little human to an adult. The highs of the wins, the goals, or awesome plays are to be cheered, but the development and memories that were made during the years will stay with you all forever! And what a sense of pride and honor to be able to watch my son work through milestones. You get a deeper level of understanding of your child’s true sense of grit and determination. And yes, there are both good and bad teams, but the timer will sound, and sure enough – Hockey and life do go on! We are all here to celebrate it with you!

We have the Answers for all Ice Hockey Moms!

A supportive environment abundant with education, guidance, and solutions, free from judgment.

Ice Hockey Mom with son on outdoor pond


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Ice Hockey Mom’s Hat Tricks to Stay Sane and Have Fun!


Inclusivity is at the heart of our Ice Hockey Mom community. We are committed to where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued. We value each person’s special gift and culture.


A community with a responsible mission that fosters a nurturing and inclusive atmosphere. Our community encourages growth, learning, and a shared passion for Ice Hockey.


Remember that every Mom has her own unique journey and experiences. Let’s support and uplift one another. We respect each other’s experiences and opinions in a safe, non-bullying arena.


We are a collaborative community that cultivates strong connections and teamwork, fostering a love for the sport.  We join together, empower each other in a united spirit of Ice Hockey and relationships.


Resources and Education to make Ice Hockey Life effortless and enjoyable for Moms and their Hockey Stars.


To Provide a Supportive Community for Moms as they watch their children thrive in Ice Hockey and life.

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